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    Coastal Kingdom TV

Teacher Training

Coastal Kingdom Educator Resources    Night Skies Over Neaufort County Educator Guide

The Teacher’s Master Naturalist program incorporates best practices for systemic school reform. LCI adapted its Master Naturalist curriculum to provide a program that teaches teachers how to use experiential learning most effectively to improve their school’s science and math programs. Participants engage in research and educational experiences designed to empower them to teach from a first person perspective, sharing their personal adventures with their classes. During workshops, teachers set and check traps for fish, reptiles, and amphibians, conduct flora and fauna surveys, and collect and identify marine invertebrates and other organisms. As teams of teachers graduate from the course they continue to receive support for school-based projects from LCI staff and the local Master Naturalist association. The program began in 2007-2008 with two pilot schools, and now the majority of schools in the district have at least one Master Naturalist trained teacher. Teachers receive Master Naturalist certification and continuing education credit after completing the year-long program.